VLAN Port Assignments and DHCP Information Ports Topology Packet Tracer – Skills Integration Challenge Addressing Table Device Last Updated on Maby InfraExam Packet Tracer – Skills Integration Challenge Packet Tracer – Skills Integration Challenge (Answer Version)Īnswer Note: Red font color or Gray highlights indicate text that appears in the Answer copy only. Using the information in the tables above, implement the following requirements: In this culminating activity, you will configure VLANs, trunks, DHCP Server, DHCP relay agents, and configure a router as a DHCP client.Create VLANs on S2 and assign VLANs to appropriate ports.Configure all non-trunk ports on S2 as access ports.Subinterface names should match the VLAN number. Ports VLAN Number - Name DHCP Pool Name Network. VLAN Port Assignments and DHCP Information. of 2 Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. Configure R1 to act as a DHCP server for the VLANs attached to S2. Packet Tracer - Skills Integration Challenge Instructions - Read online for free.Assign the appropriate addresses to each pool.
Prevent the first 10 addresses from each pool from being distributed to end devices.Verify that each PC has an address assigned from the correct DHCP pool.Note: DHCP address assignments may take some time.